home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- //
- // prefixes: btn - button
- // cb - check box, combo box
- // fm - form
- // gb - group box
- // lab - label
- // mi - menu item
- // pg - tabsheet capton
- // pn - panel
- // pop - pop-menu item
- // rg - radio group
- // rb - radio button
- //
- // Note for translators: "\n" will be replaced with linebreak
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- [LanguageDescriptor]
- Name=Custom
- [fmMain]
- miAbout="&About..."
- miCascade="&Cascade"
- miClose="&Close"
- miCloseAll="Close All &Files"
- miCodeTemplate="&Code Templates..."
- miConsoleOutput="Console &Output"
- miConversion="&Convert Text To..."
- miConvertToDOS="&DOS (CRLF)"
- miConvertToMAC="&Macintosh (CR only)"
- miConvertToUNIX="&UNIX (LF only)"
- miCopyTo="Cop&y To..."
- miCustomizeTypes="&Customize Types..."
- miExit="E&xit"
- miExport="&Export"
- miExportRegistrySettings="E&xport Registry Settings..."
- miExportToHTML="To &Hypertext markup language (HTML)"
- miExportToRTF="To &Rich text format (RTF)"
- miFile="&File"
- miFileExplorerWindow="File &Explorer Window"
- miGoToLine="&Go To Line"
- miHelp="&Help On Keyword"
- miHelpContents="&Contents"
- miHelpOnKeyword="Help On &Keyword"
- miInsertFileAtCurrentPosition="&Insert File At Current Position..."
- miJumpToBookmark="&Jump To Bookmark"
- miLockFileForChanges="&Lock File For Changes"
- miManageMacros="&Manage Macros"
- miNew="&New"
- miNextWindow="&Next Window"
- miOpen="&Open..."
- miOptions="&Options"
- miPageSetup="Pa&ge Setup..."
- miPlayMacro="&Play Macro"
- miPreferences="&Environment Options..."
- miPreviousWindow="&Previous Window"
- miPrint="&Print..."
- miPrintPreview="P&rint Preview..."
- miRecentFiles="Recen&t Files"
- miFileRecentProjects="Recent Pro&jects"
- miProject="&Project"
- miProjectNew="&New..."
- miProjectOpen="&Open..."
- miProjectClose="&Close"
- miProjectFiles="&Project Files"
- miProjectRecent="&Recent Projects"
- miProjectManageFileList="&Manage File List..."
- miAppendFile="Appe&nd File..."
- miRecordMacro="&Record Macro"
- miRename="Rena&me..."
- miSave="&Save"
- miSaveAllFiles="Save A&ll Files"
- miSaveAs="Save &As..."
- miSearchResults="Search &Results"
- miSetBookmark="&Set Bookmark"
- miSetHighlighter="&Set Highlighter"
- miShellExecute="S&hell Execute"
- miShowFileTabs="&File Tabs"
- miShowToolbar="&Toolbar"
- miStayOnTop="&Stay On Top"
- miTileHorizontal="Tile &Horizontal"
- miTileVertical="Tile &Vertical"
- miTools="&Tools"
- miUserCommand1="User Command &1"
- miUserCommand2="User Command &2"
- miUserCommand3="User Command &3"
- miUserCommand4="User Command &4"
- miView="&View"
- miWindow="&Window"
- miWordwrap="&Wordwrap"
- miWriteBlockToFile="&Write Block To File..."
- popCloseFile="C&lose File"
- popExplorerLarge="Large Icons"
- popExplorerSmall="Small Icons"
- popExplorerList="List"
- popExplorerDetail="Detail"
- popTrayRestore="&Restore"
- popTrayExit="E&xit"
- [fmFind]
- FormCaption="Find Text"
- btnClose="Close"
- btnFindNext="&Find"
- btnReplace="&Replace"
- btnReplaceAll="Replace &All"
- cbBackward="&Backward"
- cbCase="Ca&se sensitive"
- cbWholeWords="W&hole words only"
- gbOptions="Options"
- gbOrigin="Origin"
- gbScope="Scope"
- labFind="Fi&nd what:"
- labReplace="Replace &with:"
- rbOriginFromBeginning="From the &top"
- rbOriginFromCursor="From &cursor"
- rbScopeAllFiles="A&ll files"
- rbScopeFile="C&urrent file"
- rbScopeSelection="&Selection only"
- [fmEditor]
- miCommentUncommentCode="&Comment/Uncomment Code"
- miCopy="&Copy"
- miCut="Cu&t"
- miDelete="&Delete"
- miEdit="&Edit"
- miFillBlock="&Fill Block"
- miFind="&Find..."
- miFindNext="Find &Next"
- miFindPrevious="Find Pr&evious"
- miFormat="For&mat"
- miIndentBlock="&Indent Block"
- miInsertCodeFromTemplate="In&sert Code From Template"
- miInvertCase="I&nvert Case"
- miMatchBraces="&Match Braces"
- miPaste="&Paste"
- miRedo="&Redo"
- miReformatParagraph="&Reformat Paragraph"
- miRemoveTrailingSpaces="Remove &Trailing Spaces"
- miReplace="&Replace..."
- miSelectAll="Select &All"
- miSelMatchBraces="Se&lect Text Between Braces"
- miSortText="&Sort Text"
- miToggleSelectionMode="T&oggle Selection Mode"
- miToLowerCase="To &Lower Case"
- miToUpperCase="To &Upper Case"
- miUndo="&Undo"
- miUnindentBlock="&Unindent Block"
- popCloseFile="C&lose File"
- popCopy="&Copy"
- popCut="Cu&t"
- popDelete="&Delete"
- popPaste="&Paste"
- popSelectAll="Select &All"
- [fmOptions]
- FormCaption="Environment Options"
- btnApply="&Apply"
- btnCancel="Cancel"
- btnExecExtAdd="A&dd"
- btnExecExtDelete="De&lete"
- btnExecExtEdit="Ed&it"
- btnExtAdd="A&dd"
- btnExtRemove="&Remove"
- btnHelpFileEdit="&Edit"
- btnOK="OK"
- cbAllowMultipleInstances="A&llow multiple instances"
- cbAutoIndent="Au&to indent"
- cbAutoUpdateChangedFiles="A&utomatically update changed files"
- cbBackupFile="&Backup file on save"
- cbBold="&Bold"
- cbCreateFileIfNoFileName="&Create new file when ConTEXT opens without file name"
- cbCursorAfterEOL="Allow &cursor after end of line"
- cbDetectFileChanges="&Detect file changes by other application"
- cbDosBackupFilename="Replace &original extension with .BAK"
- cbDragDropEditing="&Drag-drop editing"
- cbEnhanceHomeKey="Enhance HomeKey &positioning"
- cbExecCaptureOutput="&Capture console output"
- cbExecUseShortNames="&Use short DOS names"
- cbFindTextAtCursor="Fi&nd text at cursor"
- cbGutterVisible="&Gutter visible"
- cbHideMouseWhenTyping="Hide mouse cursor when t&yping"
- cbHighlightCurrentLine="High&light current line"
- cbItalic="&Italic"
- cbLineNumbers="&Line numbers"
- cbMinimizeIfNoFiles="&Minimize ConTEXT if no files open"
- cbMinimizeToTray="M&inimize to system tray"
- cbMultiLineTabs="Mul&tiline file tabs"
- cbRememberFindOptions="Remember &Find/Replace dialog options"
- cbRememberLastDir="R&emember last directory used"
- cbRightMarginVisible="Rig&ht margin visible"
- cbSaveFilePositions="&Remember editing positions"
- cbShowExecInfoDlg="S&how user exec completion dialog"
- cbShowFindReplaceInfoDlg="&Show find/replace information dialog"
- cbSmartTabs="S&mart tabs"
- cbTrimTrailingSpaces="Trim trailing spaces"
- cbUnderline="&Underline"
- cbUndoAfterSave="Undo after sa&ve"
- cbVisibleFileTabsIcons="&Visible file tabs icons"
- gbConsoleFont="Output console font"
- gbFileAssociations=" File associations: "
- gbHelpFiles="Help files"
- gbNewDocSettings="Default settings for a new document"
- labBg="Ba&ckground:"
- labBlockIndent="Bloc&k indent:"
- labCJavaBlockIndent="C/&Java block indent:"
- labConsoleFont="&Font:"
- labConsoleFontSize="&Size:"
- labDefaultSQLDialect="&Default SQL dialect:"
- labNewDocHighlighter="&Highlighter:"
- labNewDocFileFormat="File format:"
- labExecHint="&Hint:"
- labExecOptParameters="Optional parameters:"
- labExecParam_c="- current column number"
- labExecParam_e="- file extension"
- labExecParam_f="- file name only"
- labExecParam_ff="- file name without ext."
- labExecParam_l="- current line number"
- labExecParam_n="- file name with path"
- labExecParam_opt1="- - executes parameters input dialog"
- labExecParam_p="- file path only"
- labExecParam_s="- 'Start in' directory"
- labExecParam_w="- word under cursor"
- labExecParam_percent="- percent sign"
- labExecParameters="&Parameters:"
- labExecSave="&Save:"
- labExecStartDir="S&tart in:"
- labExecute="E&xecute:"
- labExecWindow="&Window:"
- labFg="&Foreground:"
- labFileAssociationsHelp="Specify the file types/extensions that you wish to be opened automatically by ConTEXT when double clicked in the Explorer."
- labFont="&Font:"
- labFontSize="&Size:"
- labGutterWidth="G&utter width:"
- labHighlighter="&Highlighter:"
- labInsertCaret="&Insert caret:"
- labLanguage="&Language:"
- labLineSpacing="&Extra line spacing:"
- labOverwriteCaret="&Overwrite caret:"
- labRightMargin="&Right margin:"
- labTabsSaveMode="Ta&bs save mode:"
- labTabWidth="Tab &width:"
- pgAssociations="Associations"
- pgColors="Colors"
- pgEditor="Editor"
- pgExecKeys="Execute Keys"
- pgGeneral="General"
- pgMisc="Miscellaneous"
- pnAssocWait="Please wait while registry is being scanned..."
- pnSampleColor="Sample text"
- rbBackupDirCurrent="&Use current directory"
- rbBackupDirSelect="Bac&kup directory:"
- [fmPrint]
- FormCaption="Print"
- btnCancel="Cancel"
- btnOK="OK"
- btnPageSetup="P&age Setup"
- btnPreview="P&review"
- btnProperties="&Properties"
- cbCollateCopies="C&ollate copies"
- cbLineNumbers="&Line Numbers"
- cbSelectedOnly="&Selected only"
- gbPrinter=" Printer "
- labCopiesNum="&Number of copies:"
- labPrinterName="Name:"
- [fmPrnPreview]
- FormCaption="Print Preview"
- btnClose="&Close"
- popWholePage="&Whole page"
- popPageWidth="&Page width"
- [fmPageSetup]
- FormCaption="Page Setup"
- btnCancel="Cancel"
- btnOK="OK"
- cbColors="&Use colors"
- cbFootBox="B&ox"
- cbFootLine="Line &above"
- cbFootMirror="Mirror &position"
- cbFootShadow="S&hadow"
- cbHeadBox="&Box"
- cbHeadLine="Line &under"
- cbHeadMirror="&Mirror position"
- cbHeadShadow="&Shadow"
- cbLineNumbers="&Line numbers"
- cbLineNumbersInMargin="&Print line numbers in margin"
- cbMirrorMargins="&Mirror margins"
- cbSyntaxPrint="&Syntax print"
- cbWrap="&Wrap lines"
- gbOptions="Options"
- gbTextOptions="Text options"
- labFootCenter="Ce&nter"
- labFooter="Footer"
- labFootLeft="L&eft"
- labFootLineColor="Line color"
- labFootRight="R&ight"
- labFootShadowColor="Shadow color"
- labGutter="&Gutter:"
- labHeadCenter="&Center"
- labHeader="Header"
- labHeadLeft="&Left"
- labHeadLineColor="Line color"
- labHeadRight="&Right"
- labHeadShadowColor="Shadow color"
- labMBottom="&Bottom:"
- labMFooter="&Footer:"
- labMHeader="&Header:"
- labMHFInternal="&Internal margin:"
- labMHFTLeftIndent="L&eft text indent:"
- labMHFTRightIndent="Right te&xt indent:"
- labMLeft="&Left:"
- labMRight="&Right:"
- labMTop="&Top:"
- labUnits="&Units:"
- pgGeneral="General"
- pgHeaderFooter="Header and footer"
- pgMargins="Margins"
- labFont="&Font:"
- labFontSize="Si&ze:"
- [fmMacroStartRecording]
- FormCaption="Start Macro Recording"
- btnCancel="Cancel"
- btnOK="OK"
- cbEnabled="&Enabled"
- labHotkey="&Hotkey:"
- labName="&Name:"
- [fmMacroSelect]
- FormCaption="Macro Select"
- btnPlay="Play"
- btnCancel="Cancel"
- labMessage="&Select macro to play:"
- [fmMacroManage]
- FormCaption="Manage Macros"
- btnCancel="Cancel"
- btnDelete="&Delete"
- btnEdit="&Edit"
- btnOK="OK"
- [fmCustomizeType]
- FormCaption="Customize File Types"
- btnCancel="Cancel"
- btnEdit="&Edit"
- btnOK="OK"
- labHighlighters="&Highlighters and defined extensions:"
- [fmAbout]
- FormCaption="About..."
- btnClose="Close"
- [fmExport]
- FormCaption="Export File"
- btnCancel="Cancel"
- btnExport="Export"
- cbCreateFragment="&Create fragment"
- cbExportToClipboard="&Export to clipboard"
- cbSelectedOnly="&Selected only"
- gbOptions="Options"
- gbTextSettings="Text settings"
- labBackground="&Background:"
- labFontSize="&Font size:"
- labPlainText="&Plain text:"
- labTitle="&Title:"
- [fmCodeTemplate]
- FormCaption="Code Template"
- labHighlighter="&Highlighter:"
- labTemplate="&Template:"
- labCode="&Code:"
- btnAdd="&Add"
- btnEdit="&Edit"
- btnDelete="&Delete"
- btnOK="&OK"
- btnCancel="Cancel"
- [fmCodeTemplateEdit]
- FormCaption="Template Shortcut Edit"
- labShortcut="&Shortcut:"
- labDescription="&Description:"
- btnOK="OK"
- btnCancel="Cancel"
- [fmPrjFiles]
- FormCaption="Manage Project File List"
- labPrjFiles="&Project files:"
- btnClose="Close"
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Dinamically created messages
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- [Messages]
- // Main window
- 01000="[not defined]"
- 01001="Cannot export flat text files."
- 01010="Close files"
- 01011="Close open files?"
- 01012="Confirm"
- 01013="File '%s' already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?"
- // Toolbar hints
- 01300="New file"
- 01301="Open file"
- 01302="Save file"
- 01303="Save all files"
- 01304="Close file"
- 01305="Print file"
- 01306="Print preview"
- 01307="Cut selected text to clipboard"
- 01308="Copy selected text to clipboard"
- 01309="Paste text from clipboard"
- 01310="Undo"
- 01311="Redo"
- 01312="Find text"
- 01313="Find next occurence"
- 01314="Replace text"
- 01315="Word wrap"
- 01316="Stay on top"
- 01317="Select active highlighter"
- 01318="Help"
- // Customize file types window
- 02000="Extension edit"
- 02001="Enter extensions separated with commas"
- // Editor window
- 03000="Modified"
- 03001="Insert"
- 03002="Overwrite"
- 03003="Recording"
- 03004="Sel: Normal"
- 03005="Sel: Column"
- 03006="File size:"
- 03007="ReadOnly"
- 03010="Error opening '%s'."
- 03011="Error saving '%s'."
- 03012="Error"
- 03013="File '%s' has been changed. Reload from disk?"
- 03014="File '%s' has been deleted. Keep file in editor?"
- 03015="File '%s' is modified. Save changes?"
- 03016="Error creating backup file: '%s'"
- 03020="Go to"
- 03021="Go to line:"
- // Find/replace dialog
- 04000="Find Text"
- 04001="Replace Text"
- 04002="&Find"
- 04003="&Find Next"
- 04010="Search string '%s' not found."
- 04011="Replaced %d occurences of '%s' with '%s'."
- 04012="Stop macro execution?"
- // Macro parser messages
- 05001="Syntax error."
- 05002="'MacroBegin' keyword expected."
- 05003="'(' expected."
- 05004="')' expected."
- 05005="String expected."
- 05100="Macros syntax error"
- 05101="Error saving macro file '%s'."
- // Macro select dialog
- 06500="Start Macro Recording"
- 06501="Edit Macro"
- 06502="Macros changed, but not saved. Save macro file now?"
- 06510="Name"
- 06511="Shortcut"
- 06512="Enabled"
- // Start macro recording dialog
- 07000="This hotkey is used by editor."
- 07001="Macro with this hotkey is already defined. Should it be overwritten?"
- // Options dialog
- 08000="User exec keys"
- 08001="Extension edit"
- 08002="Enter extensions separated with commas:"
- 08003="Delete user commands associated with '%s'?"
- 08010="ConTEXT associations"
- 08011="Enter file extension:"
- 08012="Delete association '%s'? Operation cannot be undone."
- 08013="Language will be changed when ConTEXT is restarted."
- 08014="Select backup directory"
- 08015="Associating executable files isn''t allowed."
- 08100="Vertical"
- 08101="Horizontal"
- 08102="Half block"
- 08103="Block"
- 08110="&Custom color"
- 08111="&Default color"
- 08120="Automatic"
- 08121="Force spaces"
- 08122="Force tabs"
- 08210="File type"
- 08211="Help file"
- 08300="Current file before execution"
- 08301="All files before execution"
- 08302="Nothing"
- // Print dialogs
- 09000="Invalid number"
- 09010="There is no printer currently selected! To enable printing, please install printer driver and restart ConTEXT."
- 09020="Page:"
- 09050="First page"
- 09051="Previous page"
- 09052="Next page"
- 09053="Last page"
- 09054="Zoom"
- 09055="Print document"
- // Page setup dialog toolbar button hints
- 09100="Page number"
- 09101="Total pages count"
- 09102="Time"
- 09103="Date"
- 09104="File name"
- 09105="Font"
- 09106="Bold"
- 09107="Italic"
- 09108="Underline"
- // User exec
- 10000="Error creating pipe"
- 10001="Error executing sub-program"
- 10010="Enter optional parameter"
- 10011="Parameter:"
- 10012="No user command associated with extension '%s'.\nUse Environment Options / Execute Keys dialog to assign commands."
- 10013="Executing"
- 10014="Execution finished."
- 10015="Execution terminated by user."
- 10016="Terminate"
- 10020="Finished executing '%s'."
- 10030="&Copy contents to clipboard"
- 10031="C&lear"
- 10032="&Hide"
- 10033="Copy &selected line to clipboard"
- 10040="&Jump to error line"
- // Fill block
- 11000="Fill block"
- 11001="Enter text to fill selected block with:"
- // Code template dialog
- 12000="Shortcut"
- 12001="Description"
- // File explorer
- 13000="Add selected files from File Explorer to favorites"
- 13001="Remove selected files from favorites"
- 13002="Open selected files"
- 13003="Toggle show/hide path"
- 13010="Lar&ge Icons"
- 13011="S&mall Icons"
- 13012="&List"
- 13013="&Details"
- 13014="Favorites"
- 13015="View style"
- 13016="Up one level"
- // Project files management toolbar hints
- 14000="Add file to project workspace"
- 14001="Add current editing file to project workspace"
- 14002="Add all open files to project workspace"
- 14003="Remove selected file from project workspace"
- 14004="Open selected file for editing"
- 14005="Close selected file"
- 14006="Move selected item up"
- 14007="Move selected item down"